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#4 Don't Deny It

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Do you believe God answers prayer? 

Do you believe God wants to bless you in all your circumstances?


Do you believe God looks out for you and will fulfil the desires
of your heart? 

If you do, then there is a pretty good chance that as you prayerfully consider your plans and ideas, they are already in God’s will for your life.

But the enemy wants us to confuse us with doubt and
tries to make us question what we believe God is saying and doing in our life. This provokes us to question our faith and consider our options in case things don’t work out as we hope.

Like a security blanket.

Dismiss those voices of doubt.
Accept that whatever the circumstances, God has answered those prayers and is blessing you. 
Right now.


Try this:

Spend time with Jesus.

Stay close and allow yourself to be influenced by Jesus.
You will begin to think, feel and want like Jesus. 


Allow your prayers to be shaped by intimacy with Jesus and know that they are answered. 


Don’t deny it. 


Let go of that security blanket and grab hold of Jesus.


“Lord Jesus, I am sorry for times when I have doubted you. I believe your promises are true, I believe you answer all prayers. I believe your are my provision, my protection and my peace. I thank you that this is your will and that nothing can change it. I will not deny what you are doing in my life. Thank you.”


“If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for  you.”
John 15:7

©2024 Academy London



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